Monday, November 2, 2009

Ground rules

Those that know me know that I have a fondness for the chronicling of pop and rock music through history, and this blog is one result of that. Those same people also might know that I love lists of every kind, and so here's a list for you: every song that ever made it to the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100, in chronological order, starting from the chart's beginning in August 1958. I'll be blogging about each one individually, just sharing my thoughts and opinions and all that stuff. Of course, the idea of a #1 single has been around for longer than that, but the inception of the BH100 is a nice convenient landmark, and plus, this way I just barely avoid having to post about "The Purple People Eater" (phew).

One inherent problem (or bonus) of this idea is that there will continue to be new #1 singles every week or two or fourteen. Will this be a neverending quest, doomed from the start never to be completed? Will I become like the mythical Sisyphus, who eternally rolls a stone up a mountain, only to have it roll back down again? Well, no. As long as I post reasonably frequently, I'll have this whole thing wrapped up by the time my grandkids are graduating from college. And who knows what crazy music they'll be listening to then? I'm sure it'll be just like the music of the Krell from Forbidden Planet.

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